Hydrangea macrophylla
hy-DRAN-jee-ah mak-roh-FY-lah
This wedding favorite’s ruffled globes combine the nostalgia of grandma’s summer garden with the whispered promise of romance to come.
Hydrangea grows as a hardy deciduous shrub, 3–6' (1–2 m) tall and 6–10' (2–3 m) across, with large leaves and showy rounded flower heads 4–12" (10–30 cm) in diameter. Each flower head is made up of many small, flat florets, each measuring ½–1 ½" (1.3–4 cm). The flower heads have both male and female florets, each with four sepals (“petals” that are really extensions of the flower’s calyx or base). The stunning new double-blossomed hybrids boast 12 or more “petals.” New hybrids offer evolving floret shapes and an increasing palette of rich colors. Cut stems measure 8–18" (20–46 cm).
Most Hydrangea cultivars and hybrids commonly used by floral designers today are derived from the species Hydrangea macrophylla. These are classified into two main groups: mopheads (the classic, fully round globes of florets) and lacecaps (more saucer-shaped inflorescences, with a halo of larger florets ringing a central disc of tiny ones).
Hydrangea flowers' singular magic is changing its colors according to its environment. Genetics, soil pH, season and blossom maturity all influence the blossoms’ colors.
When grown in acidic soils (pH 4.5–5.5), hydrangeas bloom in intense blues; more alkaline soils (pH 6–7+) bring forth pink to red flowers. Immature flowers retain their green hue as cut flowers, while potted flowers and stems harvested after their first blush will develop deeper tones as they mature.
The same plants also produce different-colored flowers across the seasons: pastels in early summer, jewel tones in the long days of summer, and more muted earthy tones in fall. Summer colors are available year-round from growers in tropical climates.
White cultivars tend to stay white no matter the soil. White Hydrangea flowers may be painted with floral spray paints, or dyed by adding tints to the floral solution. These are also ethylene sensitive. In fact, growers may prepare the stems for cutting by exposing the plants to ethylene while blooms are in the bud stage. This causes the leaves to drop off while encouraging the still-forming blooms to develop more rapidly.
Some Hydrangea garden cultivars have a sweet, breezy scent, but most stems sold as cut flowers have no fragrance.
Hydrangea stems dry beautifully with just about every technique, including air, silica gel, glycerin, pressing and even microwave methods.
Colors: Blue, purple, pink, green, white and ivory; colors are available in solid and bi-color tones.
Special Care
Choose cut flowers with fully opened florets and straight, strong stems. Recut and place in a commercial hydrating solution until leaves and sepals are turgid before transferring to water with a floral preservative. Hydrangea flowers are mineral-sensitive, so always use distilled or soft water and place in glass or plastic containers instead of metal. These water-loving plants are also susceptible to botrytis, so use a biocide and keep buckets clean and filled. Misting Hydrangea petals with water can help extend vase life, but make sure no large drops linger to feed microbes.
Use cut flowers as quickly as possible and avoid storing for longer than a day or two at 34°F (1°C). Avoid ethylene exposure.
For blooming plants: choose compact, vigorous plants with no signs of disease or pests (especially aphids). Flowers heads should be full, with colors showing on 75% of the bracts. Remember, the grower’s soil conditions determine the bloom colors. Though colors will intensify as the flowers mature, their basic hues can’t be altered.
In arrangements, display in bright, indirect and preferably natural light. Storing plants in the dark (even briefly) can cause leaf drop. Use distilled or soft water, particularly on blue-flowering plants, and keep soil consistently moist. The stress of drying out, wilting and being revived again will shorten their longevity. Also keep plants away from drafts and ethylene exposure.
Fun Facts:
Hydrangea plants have been on Earth longer than humans! Fossilized stems found in North America date back 45–60 million years. They have been cultivated in Asia for thousands of years, and were a sacred plant in imperial Japan.
Hydrangea plants from both Asia and America arrived in Europe in the 18th century. The legendary Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus gave the plant its Western name, using a mash-up of the Greek words "hydor" (meaning water) and "angeion" (meaning vessel). Some scholars say Linnaeus’ inspiration was the plant's urn-shaped seed capsules; others say he named the Hydrangea for of its love of moisture, which makes the plant itself a water vessel. Linnaeus himself left us no clues.
In Latin, the species epithet translates to has big leaves. Those big leaves need a lot of water to keep them perky, which explains why Hydrangea stems get droopy fast if they are not kept well-hydrated.
Individual florets may be dried by pressing, microwaving, air drying or with a desiccant such as silica gel or sand. Entire stems with bloom heads intact may be dried with a desiccant, glycerin, or air. Glycerin preservation will yield the most lifelike and durable result, but petals will take on a bronze cast; air-drying while keeping the stems in water will help retain color, but will yield a more fragile finished product. Stems may also be hung upside down for traditional air drying.
Hydrangea is the 4th wedding anniversary flower.
According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Hydrangea pollen does not trigger allergic reactions.
Hydrangea plants are treasure troves of bioactive compounds. Some have been useful to humans for centuries, while others’ potentials are still being explored.
The roots and bark produce substances used for healing, and the leaves and flowers secrete hydrangin, which is used in sunscreens and fabric brighteners. Oh yes, and it also has traces of cyanide! Not enough to kill, but enough to make you, your kids, your pets and all of their digestive systems really sorry for nibbling the bouquet.
Native Americans and early U.S. physicians used Hydrangea root for bronchitis, kidney stones and urinary tract health. They used the bark as a poultice for burns and muscle pain.
A 2003 study in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry reported that Hydrangea root is a more potent liver antioxidant than milk thistle and turmeric combined.
Several Hydrangea extracts are being studied as future treatments for malaria, diabetes and a range of autoimmune disorders.
Singer Katy Perry loves purple and white Hydrangea flowers.
In the Victorian “Language of Flowers,” Hydrangea may symbolize deeply held emotion, healing or callousness.
In Japan, they may symbolize apology or gratitude, because an ancient emperor conveyed those emotions to ladies of the court by giving them Hydrangea flowers.
Originally classified as a species in the Saxifragaceae family, Hydrangea now claims its own Hydrangeaceae family. Its plants are related to Viburnum, Astilbe and flowering currants.
Common Name
hydrangea, hortensia
Botanical Name
Hydrangea macrophylla
hy-DRAN-jee-ah mak-roh-FY-lah

Seasonal availability
Vase Life
7 - 10 days for cut flowers; blooming plants last 2 – 4 weeks.
Language of Flowers Meaning
Hydrangea flowers are used to symbolize heartfelt emotion, gratitude and thankfulness.